What we do

Primary health care
In partnership with Horizon Health Network, Salvus provides primary health care for individuals who do not have a primary care provider, are experiencing substance use disorder, are experiencing severe and persistent mental illness, and/or are homeless. Our primary care providers conduct routine health assessments, counselling, supportive addiction management, screening and prevention of illness, immunizations, blood work, and referrals to specialists.
Navigation services
Salvus supports individuals navigate the various health, social, and community services intended to support individuals who are homeless, precariously housed, or at-risk of homelessness. Using a holistic approach to assess needs and strengths, Salvus is ready to support people where they are at and support them in their journey.

Scattered site case management
In partnership with the Department of Social Development, Salvus provides intensive case management supports in the community for individuals who are living in private market housing. Scattered site housing with this type of support is intended for individuals who do not require as intensive supports, however still benefit from wrap around case management.
Peer-supported housing
In partnership with United Way and the Department of Social Development, Salvus manages five Peer Supportive Housing (PSH) buildings that provide housing with on-site support to tenants who experience issues with substance use, mental health issues, and chronic homelessness. Tenants must be eligible to receive housing under the rules for the Department of Social Development and must agree to pay a portion of the rent and work towards recovery with the staff. Salvus works closely with the Housing Review Assessment Team (HART) to identify individuals with high needs who might benefit from peer supported housing.

Other services
Peer support
Salvus is recognized provincially as a leader in peer support. As an important aspect of recovery, peer support is a relationship between people who have a common lived experience. Our Peer Program Coordinator is a Certified Peer Support Specialist who delivers Peer Support Training to those in the community who are looking to contribute their specific knowledge and expertise with others.

Mobile Health Unit
In 2022, Salvus launched the first mobile health unit in New Brunswick providing care to individuals in shelters who are experiencing barriers to traditional health care. Thanks to our partners who made the purchase of the unit possible, Medavie Health Foundation, the Saint John Human Development Council, and private physicians, we can take our work on the road. Staffing has been made possible by grants from Health Canada, the City of Moncton, and Saint John Human Development Council, and through our partnership with Horizon Health Network.